Apply Free Refrigerator Programs for Low-Income Families

Apply for Free Refrigerator Programs for Low-Income Families  – How to get free Refrigerator for low income families, where to apply for free Refrigerator to low income families, Can families in need can get Refrigerator for free. In the US, many people are living under the poverty line. They work on daily wages or low-monthly incomes. Sometimes they are not able to buy food for themselves and their families too. In that situation, if they need something then for this they have to plan for a long time and check that they can afford it or not. As everything is now costly and everyday prices are going too high, in that condition for those people it is hard to buy anything. But in a house, many of the things are necessary. Like, refrigerators, fans, washing machines, and lots of other appliances.

However, the refrigerator is an important household appliance, but it is too expensive for low-income families and they did not buy it easily. They have to think thousands of times before thinking about buying a new one. But now they did not need to worry about this. Because many organizations offer help to low-income families. They organize different assistance programs that can fulfill the needs of low-income families. From those assistance programs, the free refrigerator assistance program is also the one.

Everyone knows that refrigerator is an essential appliance in a house, mostly in summers. Without a refrigerator, it is too difficult to save food items for a long time. But for low-income families, it is almost impossible to buy a new one. However, there is no need to worry more about this, because they can look for the free refrigerator programs in their locality. They can look for organizations, churches, and other places from where they can get help with the free refrigerator. However, they can also look for low-cost refrigerators as well, if someone is not getting the free refrigerator because of some reason. So, if you are one of them who need the free refrigerator then continue to read the article and get the information on how you can get the free refrigerator for low-income families and how you can apply. What are the eligibility criteria, and how one can contact them to get a free refrigerator or low-cost refrigerator?


Key Takeaways

  • Free refrigerators are available for low-income families.
  • Several programs and organizations offer assistance. (Government programs, non-profit organizations, online resources)
  • Eligibility requirements vary by program.
  • Alternatives include low-cost refrigerators and social media resources.

Free Refrigerator Programs for Low-Income Families

Many of the organizations, and government agencies run various programs to help the low-income and needy people. They come with programs that can be helpful for poor families. From those programs, one is a free refrigerator program. Even, people don’t believe it easily, but still, there are indeed many organizations that held the free refrigerator to needy people.

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But if you are worried about the electricity and the bills that are come with the high amounts, because those appliances consume high electricity then you don’t need to worry about this. Because those organizations provide, such appliances that are energy efficient and help to reduce the energy bills as well. They check all the appliances and make sure that the appliance they provide to the low-income and needy people are energy stars and consume less energy. In this way, the receivers will get fewer energy consumption appliances and save lots of money on their energy bills.

However, those programs offer free refrigerators to low-income and needy people. Some programs also offer the refrigerator in exchange for the old one. So that they can repair the old refrigerator and then provide it to someone other who needs it. In this way, those free refrigerator programs help people in the community and offer help to every needy individual and family.

So, if you want to get such appliances or refrigerators for you, then without wasting your time look for those organizations and free refrigerator programs and get help.

Organizations with Free Refrigerator Programs

In the community, many families are living under the poverty line, they are not able to afford their daily basic need items. But it understanding to everyone that the refrigerator is an important household item. But the low-income families cannot afford it. For this various government and non-profit organizations come forward to help them, with their assistance program. Some of those programs are given below to help low-income families to get free refrigerators. Let’s look at them.

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

The US government runs various programs to help low-income families and provide them low energy consumption devices. One of those programs is the Weatherization Assistance Program. With this program, they help low-income individuals to use electric device that consumes low energy and they can save money on their energy bills. That means the energy bill amount will be reduced and they did not face more financial problems because of the energy bills.

The program is intended to improve the use of energy-efficient appliances in houses. Along with this, they offer financial help to low-income families. The program helps them to buy the different energy star-rated electric devices that also includes refrigerator. So that those low-income individuals or families didn’t have to face more problems.

Eligibility for WAP

Here is the eligibility criteria are given for WAP, so you can apply for the program and get help.

Importance is given to-

  • The families that have people over the age of 60 years.
  • In most of the states, the family has children.
  • The families that have one or more disabled people.

You are automatically eligible to get the weatherization services if you are receiving the Supplement Security Income or Aid to Families with Dependent Children. You can apply for the weatherization program by visiting this official link.

However, if you want to contact the team then you can look for the contact details below.

How to Contact WAP

Here are contact details are given below for the Weatherization Assistance program.

Website- one can visit the WAP Official Website and get the information that they want to know.

Phone- Or one can make the call on (916) 782-3443.

But one thing that one to keep in their mind is that they can call between 9:00 Am to 4:00 Pm. They can make the call from Monday to Friday and get the solution to their queries.

LADWP’s Refrigerator Exchange Program

When you want to have a new refrigerator for your home, but you are not able to buy it yourself, then you can look for the LADWP’s Refrigerator Exchange Program. This program helps individuals to get the energy-saving, ENERGY STAR® rated refrigerator. They offer the new refrigerator to the people in exchange for their old refrigerators. But it is a must that their old refrigerator is qualified for the exchange. Also, they did not need to pay anything for it, which means you will get it for FREE. From the Refrigerator Exchange Program, you will get the refrigerator that is energy start and also 15 or 18 unit feet model.

However, it is one of the most reliable and famous refrigerator programs that help low-income individuals and families to get free and new refrigerators. Anyone can apply for this program, but they have to fulfill the eligibility criteria that are given below, for the applicants and the refrigerator, to the exchange refrigerator.

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Although, with this program, you can save lots of things that will be good for you. You can look for them below.


From the LADWP program, you can save lots of things that are given below, let’s look for them:

  • Money

One can save up to $60 annually on refrigerator operating costs.

  • Energy

The energy star-rated refrigerator appliances used less energy in comparison to the non-energy star refrigerators. Indirectly, it helps to save money on energy bills.

  • Environment

When you use fewer electricity devices then it will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, which saves the environment.

Eligibility Criteria for LADWP’s Refrigerator Exchange Program

Here is the eligibility criteria are given for the LADWP’s Refrigerator Exchange program. You have to look for them before applying for the program.

For Applicant

As you are an applicant or want to apply for the LADWP program, you have to be sure to meet the criteria that are given for the applicants. So that you will not face any problem. Let’s look at the criteria for applicants:

  • The applicant is the first time applier for the LADWP program. That means he or she does not benefit from the same program in the past.
  • The applicant must be an LADWP electric customer, and while he or she fills the form, they must belong to one group. The groups are given below :
  1. Multi-Residential Or Non-Profit Customers

(Property owner or organization owns refrigerator)

  1. Income Qualified Customers

(Homeowners and Tenants own refrigerator)

If they lie down in one of those groups then the applicant will be eligible to get the services.

For Refrigerator

To qualify for the refrigerator, the eligibility criteria are given below, for that you:

  • Must be located at the LADWP service area.
  • The refrigerator must be owned by the owner, tenant, or organization.
  • The refrigerator must be 10 years old.
  • The refrigerator must be in working condition.
  • The refrigerator must be in a minimum of 14 cubics. feet (cu. ft.)
  • The refrigerator is used as a primary unit, not for storage. The refrigerator is used for residential customers and is located in the kitchen.
  • It will be plugged well in the grounded outlet. All refrigerator outlets plugs are grounded with the 3-prong plug. All this will be done according to Article 250.114 (3)(a), of the National Electric Code.

If all these above-mentioned eligibility criteria are fulfilled by the applicants for themselves and the refrigerator then they will be qualified to get a new refrigerator or an exchange refrigerator from the LADWP program.

How to Apply For LADWP Exchange Program?

As you want to know about, how you can apply for the LADWP Exchange program, it is a very simple process. First, you have to meet all the eligibility criteria and the requirements that are asked by the program. If you fulfill the criteria, then you can use the way to contact them by call or send them mail at their email address. You can look for the ways that are given below. Also, they have their contact number and email address. Let’s check for them and use them to contact.

  1. Multi-Residential Or Non-Profit Customers

If someone wants to contact them to get a free or low-cost refrigerator then they can use these contacting ways:

  • Phone- 1-888-388-6642

Make the call on this phone number, and ask those questions that you have in your mind and tell why you need the free refrigerator.

  1. Income Qualified Customers
  • Online Form: if you want to fill the online form then you can fill it at
  • Phone number: You can call them and talk with them over the call on their contact number 1-800-722-9340.
  • Email at: or can also choose the way of writing a mail to them and send it on their email address: [email protected].

If you want to know more about the exchange program, then you can visit their official LADWP site and check all the information and services there.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

As numerous organizations offer help to low-income families by helping them with different things that are used in their daily routine. So that they can fulfill their basic needs. For this, they offer refrigerators to families that cannot afford the refrigerator. Low Income Home Energy Assistance is one of those programs that come forward to help low-income families. This program helps low-income families and individuals to buy or get free refrigerators through their program. They help them to buy a refrigerator that is energy efficient so that the refrigerator consumes less electricity and they can save lots of money on the energy bills.

This is the federal program to help low-income families and this program is run by each state. So it is important for the applicants that they will check the eligibility criteria of their state because every state has different eligibility criteria. Therefore, you have to try to contact the LIHEAP team, so you will get information about their program, eligibility criteria, and also know about the guidelines of the program. Here you can see the contact details of LIHEAP.

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Contact- One can contact them in various ways such as:

Dial: (202) 401-9351

Fax Number: (202) 401-5661

These are the contact details. So, if you want to call them then call their number or can also fax them on their fax number.

Places That Help With Free Refrigerator Programs for Low-Income Families 

There are numerous ways to get help for the free refrigerator for low-income families. As some various organizations and agencies offer help to low-income individuals and families, apart from many other options are also available from where one can get a free refrigerator. If you see that you are not eligible for the government programs or the programs that are mentioned above, then no worry, you can look for the places from where you can get help. You can use the places to get free appliances or a refrigerator for you.

In the below, some of the places are given that will be fruitful for you to get a low-cost or free refrigerator. You can look for them, their details, guidelines, and how you can get them. Let us continue and look for those places, to get the free refrigerator for low-income families.


Freecycle is the best online website to buy or sell appliances or any other thing. You can visit this website to have any of the products that you need at cheaper prices. This is a very helpful website for the buyers and sellers and works as the bridge between. This offers all the products so that buyers and sellers get all the products that they need at the less price or the price that they can afford.

For example, if someone has any appliance at their house that they don’t want to use anymore, or want to bring a new one, or want to replace it with a new model, then they can look for this website. They can come here and register theirself and place the product for buy or sell. They will get the best price for the product if they want to sell or buy a new appliance with the best and cheap prices. However, Freecycle is not provided free appliances to the users. But still, it is the best option for the people who did not take the risk of buying new appliances.


If you are looking for a cheap refrigerator then you can look for Craigslist as well. This is the same as the Freecycle and offers a cheap rate refrigerator for those who don’t buy the new refrigerator. However, you did not get the free refrigerator from Craigslist as you get from the government assistance programs, but from Craigslist you will get the refrigerator at the lower prices that you can afford easily.

Craigslist is also an online website that helps needy people to get appliances and other things at lower prices. One can get the best products from this site, as the owner of the product wants to sell their product in working condition. However, some of the owners sell their products at cheaper prices or can provide for free of cost sometimes. If you use the Craigslist online portal to look for a free refrigerator then it is not so difficult for you. You can easily look for the refrigerator for free of cost and also for the cheaper prices refrigerator. So, if you need the refrigerator then you can look for this online website as well and get the best results for the refrigerator.

St. Vincent De Paul

St. Vincent De Paul is one of the best and famous organizations. This is a non-profit organization, and it is sure that everyone once listens to this name in their life. St. Vincent De Paul is an organization that serves people across the US. It is a wide organization that always comes forward to help the needy and low-income people. This organization comes with new and different programs to help low-income individuals and families.

This is very hard that they don’t have any helping things for the people. They offer lots of things to people such as Free clothes, Free Furniture, and also Free Groceries for Low-Income Families. This is the organization that offers all the things that fulfill the basic needs of human beings.

The best thing about this organization is that it offers helps of all kinds that help the people. They work for the low-income and needy people, to provide them with a better life. Along with this, they offer help across the country and have the same rules in almost all states. So, if you are getting help from another state then you did not face any issue.

Additionally, they have a simple application process, if someone is going to apply for the program. You have to do only one thing and that is you have to register yourself. When you fulfill the eligibility criteria and apply for the application, then you will be eligible for the free refrigerator and also get it. But make sure that you meet their eligibility criteria and get a free refrigerator from them.

Furniture Banks

Furniture Bank is the best place to get a free refrigerator. Now, you think it is a furniture bank then how it will provide the refrigerator, so don’t focus on its name. Furniture Banks is the place that offers all kinds of products to help needy people. As it offers free furniture for those in need, but also offers other things that are needed by them. In this way, you can get the free appliances from the Furniture banks that you need. The best thing is that you can find furniture banks in almost every state and town. One can apply for the free refrigerator with the furniture banks with the simple process.

You have to do is just check for the refrigerator that they have or not. If you found that they have a refrigerator then you can go with them and ask for a free refrigerator. However, the furniture bank works as a bridge between the donors and the receivers. That means many of the donors donate the appliances and other things to furniture banks and this organization helps the needy people by helping them, what they need.

However, the assistance depends on the availability of the product that you need. That’s why it is not sure that everyone will get help from them. For this, one has to look for the availability of the products with them and for this, they can contact with them on call or by asking them help by mail by their email address or can also by visiting their place. So, one can get help from the furniture banks for the product that they need, for free.

How to Get Free Appliances?

As you want to have the free refrigerator for you, same as you can look for the free appliances. In a house, not only a refrigerator is needed but many other appliances are also needed. But mostly every appliance is costly and you cannot afford to buy them. For this, you can look for the other appliances as well. You can look for the different federally and state-organized government programs that offer help with free appliances or cheaper price appliances such as St. Vincent De Paul, Salvation Army, or you can also look for online websites such as Freecycle and Craigslist. You will get help from those sources to get the free appliances or low-cost appliances that you need.

Not only these sources, but you can look for the other ways as well. You can contact your friends, and relatives and tell them about your need. So that, when they want to sell their appliances or know the place from where you can get help, then they will tell you about that. In this way, maybe they will provide the appliance for free of cost or can offer you the appliance at a low cost. This will also increase the chances that you want the appliance you will get it with ease.

Apart from all these things, you can take help of the social media. You can look for the different ways to get the free appliances or to sell or buy the appliance. Also, you can find various ways to buy the appliance that you need at cheaper prices online. You can also share your information on social media such as name, contact number, and mail address, so if someone wants to sell their appliances then they will contact you and get the appliance at the best prices.


Low-income families cannot afford to buy a new refrigerator, but it is also difficult for them to survive without the refrigerator, as it is the necessary household item. But they don’t worry about this, because they can look for the various organizations and programs to get the free refrigerator. They can find that numerous organizations have free refrigerator assistance programs to help the people. The needy people just meet their eligibility requirements and apply for assistance and they will be eligible to get the free refrigerator.

In any case, if they don’t eligible for the free refrigerator programs then they can get help from the other sources from where they can get the refrigerator at cheaper prices. Or can say just have to pay a very little amount that is equal to nothing. In this way, they can get the refrigerator for free or at a low cost.

FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

Here are lots of questions are given that will help you to get the solution to your queries because these questions are asked by almost everyone. So, let look at them:

Can I get a fridge from Centrelink?

Can I get a fridge from Centrelink

For the residents, who are from NSW, for them, there are discounts on the New Energy efficient appliances like fridges and televisions. However, the offer applied to the selected models of the fridges and televisions.

Can I get help with a washing machine on universal credit?

Can I get help with a washing machine on universal credit

If you have a child in your family who is disabled and of 17 years old or under this, then you will get some benefits such as universal credit and income support. The Family Funds provide help to make life easier and give them hope that someone is available for them. Those funds can be used on such things as washing machines, computers and holidays as well.

How can I get free energy-efficient appliances?

How can I get free energy-efficient appliances

With the Energy Saving Assistance program, one can open in the new windows, and the income-qualified people can be eligible for the free appliances or no-cost installation. Customers may qualify for the current application participation in an eligible public assistance program or based on their household income.

Does PG&E give refrigerators?

Does PG&E give refrigerators

With the help of Energy Savings Assistance, there are lots of things on which you can save energy. That includes replacing your refrigerator, repairing or replacing your furnace or water heater, and installing insulation, weatherproofing, energy-efficient light bulbs, caulking, low-flow showerheads, and lots more.

Does coca-cola provide coolers?

Does coca-cola provide coolers

Coca-Cola G-Series Cooler– Yes, one can get the coca-cola coolers, yet the coca-cola drink coolers are designed to meet the Coca-Cola Company’s technical standards for performance, reliability, and serviceability.

Does coca-cola provide coolers?

Does coca-cola provide coolers

This program is only for the customers who use PG&E electricity. You can also contact them on their number 1-800-299-7573, and make a schedule for the pickup. Both the refrigerators and freezers are eligible to provide for per household. But make sure while giving the refrigerator and freezers they are in working condition and are empty, at the time of pick up.

Can I get money for my old refrigerator?

Can I get money for my old refrigerator

Yes, you may get the money for your old refrigerator. If your refrigerator is still working, and in the good condition, then you will surely get money for your old refrigerator. However, when you sell your refrigerator, it does not have the same recycling, as it qualifies for re-use or re-purposing. So, if your refrigerator is not working then you can sell it for scrap.

How can I get a free fridge?

How can I get a free fridge

There are numerous ways to get the free fridge, such as you can get it from the government program- Weatherization assistance program, federal, local energy star rebates, and LIHEAP. Also, one can get the free fridge from the non-government programs, as well as on the monthly payments.