Social Security Benefits for Child of Disabled Parent

Social Security Benefits for Child of Disabled Parents – What are the social security benefits and how social security benefits are helping child of disabled parents. Today in this article we are going to discuss and provide detailed information on Social Security Benefits for Child of Disabled Parents.  As you already know that because of disability people lose their source of income. However, it gets very difficult to run a family when the parent is disabled. Parents are generally the wage earners and it can be possible they cannot fit forever to earn money. But there is nothing much to worry as the government surely understands the problem and therefore offers social security benefits for a child who has a disabled parent. However, you need to know about the eligibility criteria to get the social security benefits. If you meet the criteria your child will surely get the social security benefits. But remember that this benefit generally offers you the money based on your income. Go through the article to get more detailed information. 


Key Takeaway

  • Children of disabled parents may qualify for Social Security benefits if they meet specific criteria.
  • Simple but requires a Social Security number and valid documentation.
  • Varies based on the disabled parent’s earnings and family size.
  • Dependent benefits can continue after the parent’s death under certain conditions.

How To Apply For social security benefits for child of disabled parent?

When you are looking for social security benefits, you should understand that the process is quite simple. The procedure is straightforward and you will not be facing any kind of problem when you apply for social security benefits for your child. The first requirement to apply for social security benefits is that you need to have a social security number. It is important that your child has a valid birth certificate along with a social security number. However, if your child does not have a social security number then you need to collect it. After collecting the social security number you are required to submit it to the social security administration. So, before applying for the benefits you make sure that you get this number or your application will surely get rejected.

When the student is more than 18 years old, then you are required to submit all the required documents to prove that he or she has been enrolled as a student. You can also get benefits if your child is a full time student. Apart from that they might also ask for other documents, so it is important for you to be ready with all kinds of necessary papers. Once you submit the documents, the administration of social security might ask you for some additional documents if necessary.

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Eligibility Criteria for Qualifying social security benefits for child of disabled parent

As you already know that parents are highly responsible to take care of their child as they are the wage earners of the family. In case the parents die the children can get social security benefits. However, the qualifying child can be a biological child, stepchild or an adopted child and they all can get social security disability benefits. However, it is important to go through some criteria that are required to get the social security benefits for the child of disabled parents. can child get social security benefits if parent is disabled The criteria has been listed below:

  • You might be 18 or 19 years old and enrolled in a full time school and you need financial assistance.
  • You need to be unmarried.
  • You are disabled and 18 years old, the disability must begin before you turn 22.
  • You have a parent who is certified disabled or retired and then you will be eligible for the social security benefit.

What Is The Amount Will Receive in social security benefits for child of disabled parent?

Once the application of your children is approved by the administration of social security, it is vital for you to know the amount you will be receiving. The amount generally depends on the Social Security Disability Insurance. The disabled worker must be eligible. social security disability benefits for dependents half percentage of the amount is totally entitled to the parents. However, the percentage might increase by 50 percent when the parent is deceased. In such cases the child will get around 75 percent based on the social security benefit of the parent.

The maximum amount you can get is between 150 percent to 180 percent depending on the family limit award of the disabled worker. However, remember that when the benefit amount crosses the overall amount to meet the full family’s benefit then the amount will be proportionally reduced.

For example, if you are a single mother having 4 dependent children. That means your 4 children will get 50 percent of the benefit amount of your. Therefore the total benefit that will be offered is 300 percent by the social security administration. You can see that the percentage decreases as the amount needed to be shared equally.  But when you are a single mother having one independent child then you will be able to get the retirement amount that is $2,000 and the family can get a maximum amount of $3,000. So, the remaining $1000 will be divided between your husband and your child. If the husband is deceased then the child will get the remaining amount.

what is the maximum family benefit for social security disability?

The disabled worker can surely get the maximum family amount, but it is important to follow some basic criteria. Generally the maximum family amount might vary and it is possible to get around 150 percent to 180 percent from the social security benefit amount. The social security administration has set some rules you need to follow to calculate the maximum family amount. The maximum family amount can be around 85 percent and it generally depends on the average earning of the disabled member in a month.

You can generally find all the information from the social security administration. However, you must remember that the primary insurance of the disabled family member is always lower than the maximum benefit that will be received. The maximum family benefit will not be extending more than 150 percent of the disabled family member. Therefore, 150 percent will be the primary insurance amount of the disabled family member. However, people can also think that the maximum family amount can be very low around 85 percent of the disabled family member.

What Is Disabled Adult Child’s Benefit?

There are a few cases where the child might be disabled. In such a situation your child is also entitled to get social security benefits. But there is nothing much to worry as the social security administration will surely help you out to avail the benefit.

The best thing is that they have a starter packet along with a fact sheet that will surely help you to submit all your documents in the right way. However, you are also required to sign up, answer a few questions and submit the required documents. But remember the benefit will not be provided in that particular stage when the disabled child is getting round from the disability.

When you are getting any treatment for your disabled child, the social security administration will surely help you out with benefits. But remember you won’t be receiving any benefits when your child is not disabled any more. But do not worry as long as your child is getting the treatment, you will surely receive benefits from social security administration. As a parent you need to stay in contact with the social security administration and also understand your responsibility.

Will My Child Continue to Receive Dependent Benefits After I Die?

It is one of the most asked questions by the common people related to disability benefits. Do not have any doubts as it is surely possible to get dependent benefits if a disabled person is deceased. This benefit is mainly called the survivorship benefit. The child is eligible to get survivorship or dependent benefits after the death of the parent. But remember the benefits are applicable only for the biological children, stepchildren and the adopted children. There are also some criteria to follow to receive the survivorship benefit after the death of the parents. Check out the factors that has been listed below:


When you have grandchildren, then there is also the possibility for you to receive social security benefits if your grandparent is deceased. We have listed some requirement that is important for you to follow:

  • When you do not have any financial support from any sources after the death of your parents.
  • The babies can surely get the same benefits but it is important that they are living with their grandparents. It is also necessary that the grandparents have already offered the infant financial support.
  • You are a child who was already residing with your grandparents before the age of 18. It is also important that your grandparent has already supported you financial for at least 12 months

It is important that the grandchildren can relate to their grandparents. In case the grandparent dies, the grandchildren are eligible to get at least 75% of grandparent’s social security insurance benefit. The grandchildren will be receiving payment until he or she attains the age of 18 years, But it is important that the grandparents have already adopted the grandchildren, then only the above criteria is applicable.

Adult Child

An adult is a child who is 18 years old or more. There are mainly two criteria that can help you to qualify for the social security survivor benefits.  The two criteria has been mentioned below:

  • When a child is below 19 years old and is a student who is already enrolled in a full time secondary school. However, it is important to provide all the documents that prove that the adult is enrolled in a school and in urgent requirement of financial assistance.
  • Another criteria is that the child is disabled until the age of 22 years. But remember that disabled child is not binded by any time frame. They will keep on receiving the benefits as long as they are suffering from the disability. But the benefit amount is almost the same as the child who is below 18 years. You will be receiving around 75 % of the deceased parent from the social security disability insurance benefit.

Less Than 18 Years Old

In case the parent is disabled the child will receive about 50% of the benefits. But after the death of the parent the percentage will increase by 25 %  and you will be receiving around 75% of the benefits. However, the child will continue to receive the benefits till the last month of the 18th birthday.


The child can only get the benefits when he or she is not married. Remember it is one of the most important criteria to get the benefits. The benefits are only provided to those unmarried children whose parents die. Once you get married you will stop receiving the benefits. As you already know that when an adult gets married, it means he is financially stable to support his or her family. Therefore unmarried adults are only considered for the benefits.


I hope this article has provided you with all the information on Social Security Benefits for Child of Disabled Parents. You have already understood the benefits that are offered by the social security administration. Social security benefits obviously play a vital role in the life of children when there is none to support them financially. The child gets the opportunity to lead a normal life and pursue their education with the help of social security benefits. But there are some terms and conditions about Social Security Administration that are very important to know. It is always important for you to get detailed information so that you will be able to understand how social security benefits work. When a child loses his or her parents, things are really difficult and in such a situation social security benefits can be just like water in the desert. However, it is important for you to qualify so that you will be receiving a percentage of the benefit that your parents are going to receive. If you know someone who wants more information on social security benefits for children of disabled parents, please share this article with them. you can find more articles about assistance on  I hope you have a great day ahead of you.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

We have answered some of the most frequently asked questions on social security benefits. Go through the question and answers to gain additional knowledge on social security benefits.

What are social security benefits for children of disabled parents?

The disabled parents lose their job and they face a lot of problems in running a family. They are the wage earned by the family and therefore the government offers social security benefits for children of disabled parents. They offer money based on your current income. But there are some eligibility criteria you need to fulfill to qualify for the benefits.

What is required to apply for social security benefits?

There are two main requirements to apply for the social security benefits : your social security number and a valid birth certificate. You need to submit these two documents to the social security administrator.

What are the eligibility requirements for qualifying the child?

There are some specific requirements for the qualifying child that is he or she must be unmarried. The child must have enrolled himself in a full time school and needs financial help. The child must have a parent who is certified disabled or retired.

What do you mean by maximum family amount?

It is important for you to know about the maximum family amount. Generally the maximum family amount varies from 150 percent to 180 percent. However, there are some specific rules you need to follow to calculate the maximum family amount. It mainly depends on the average income of the disabled member per month.